“In Flanders Fields”

IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields. 
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours tohold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD

The day before he wrote his famous poem, one of McCrae’s closest friends was killed in the fighting and buried in a makeshift grave with a simple wooden cross. Wild poppies were already beginning to bloom between the crosses marking the many graves. Unable to help his friend or any of the others who had died, John McCrae gave them a voice through his poem. It was the second last poem he was to write.

In Flanders Fields Museum

History of the war, time line, life at and behind the front lines, objects, stories, biographies,…

 The Maple Leaf Legacy Project

Maple Leaf Legacy Project

MLLP logo The aim of the Maple Leaf Legacy Project is to photograph or obtain a photograph of every Canadian War Grave of the 20th Century. These photos will be made freely available on the project’s web site. • more…

It takes an army of volunteers
to photograph the graves of an army of volunteers.

Steve Douglas

 Canada Remembers • Le Canada se souvient

VAC Canada Remembers - ACC Le Canada se souvient

Canada Remembers

The Canada Remembers Program endeavours to keep alive the achievements and sacrifices made by those who served Canada in times of war and peace; to engage communities in remembrance of these achievements and sacrifices; and, to promote an understanding of their significance in Canadian life as we know it today.

Le Canada se souvient

Le programme Le Canada se souvient s’efforce de maintenir le souvenir des réalisations et des sacrifices consentis par ceux et celles qui ont servi le Canada en temps de guerre et de paix, d’amener les communautés â participer aux activités qui rendent hommage â ces réalisations et sacrifices et de promouvoir une compréhension de l’importance de ceux-ci dans la vie telle que nous la connaissons aujourd’hui au Canada.


 Royal Canadian Legion • Légion royale canadienne

The Royal Canadian Legion

The Royal Canadian Legion has assumed a major responsibility for perpetuating the tradition of Remembrance in Canada. Each year the Legion organizes and runs the National Poppy-Remembrance Campaign to remind Canadians of the tremendous debt we owe to the more than 117,000 men and women who gave their lives in the defence of Canada during two world wars the Korean War and other missions around the world. Contributions made during the campaign are used to assist needy veterans, ex-service members and their families.

La Légion royale canadienne

Royal Canadian Legion -

La Légion royale canadienne a assumé la responsabilité majeure de perpétuer la tradition du Souvenir au Canada. Chaque année la Légion organise et mène la campagne nationale du Coquelicot-Souvenir dans le but de rappeler aux canadiens et canadiennes la dette immense qu’ils ont envers les 117 000 hommes et femmes qui ont donné leur vie au service du Canada lors de deux guerres mondiales, celle de la Corée et autres missions à travers le monde. Les dons faits durant la campagne sont utilisés pour aider les anciens combattants, les anciens militaires et leurs familles, qui sont dans le besoin.