The Wainwright Star WAINWRIGHT, ALBERTA   FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1908.

Grand Trunk Pacific To Rush Works At This Point


Foley Borthers Track-Laying Gang will Arrive Monday and Construction Starts at Once


This baby town of ours is growing apace and will continue to grow. During the week the ground has been graded for the station, a number of side tracks centered off and made ready for the steel, piles have been driven for the water tank and carpenters of Bonsfield’s department are now on their way West to make and erect it in position. The well for supply, as mentioned in our last issue, has been dug and bored to a depth of 145 feet. The water is of good quality and the supply appears ample, but it is a well-known fact that they yield more after being in use for some time, as the feeders usually improve with pumping. The well sinkers have pulled out and gone to Artman. In their place come extra men for unloading material. Contractors Messrs. Carter, Hall, Aldinger Co., expect to start next Wednesday with the depot which will be of a neat and substantial appearance.

The season being now advanced it is probable that they will have approximately 100 men at work in a few days, Mr. Butler will supervise the work on their behalf. This gentleman is highly spoken of, being in his line one of the best skilled men in the country. More stimulating and encouraging to all townsmen is the fact that Messrs. Foley Bros. have orders to ship 120 men immediately, instructions having been given Peterson & Fell to provide eatables for that number. Those men will put forth their labors in laying all the yard tracks as far as possible. The commercial siding has been graded and track centers put in.

The Wainwright Fuel company have men engaged putting up their warehouse on the north side of the track.

The turntable arrived yesterday and definite orders have been given that it must be installed with all possible speed.

R. P. Graves, district engineer, successor to F. Paget, has now taken complete control and have given rush orders in reference to the turntables and in general to the entire undertakings now requiring his attention.

The engineers and steam fitters will be here in a few days to install the heating, hot and cold water pipes, pumps, boilers, hydraulic power for drop pit and other equipment for the roundhouse.

The officials are anxious to get the use of the roundhouse, for it becomes, as it were, a tentical or maintainer of the rolling stock.

It is to be hoped that material will come along in good shape and enable them to expediate all the various works and so bring the whole to a satisfactory and successful end.