The Wainwright Star WAINWRIGHT, ALBERTA   WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1915.



W. J. Blair, conservative candidate for the federal riding of Battle River, spent a busy day in Wainwright on Friday last. The outcome of his visit here will asume the form of recommendations which he will submit to the various departments. One will be in regard to the Wainwright cemetery site in which he will ask the proper authorities to makae some arrangement whereby the present cemetary site may be owned and controled by the town. The other, following the suggestion of P. C. Bernard Harvey, chief superintendent of Dominion Parks will recommend that early action be taken to adapt Horse Lake, situated one mile south of town and within Buffalo Park, into an up-to-date and attractive summer resort.

Mr. Blair made a visit to the Park on Friday afternoon and following this, in company with town-Secretary Kenny, inspected the cemetery site. In regard to the park, the advisability of forming some attractive resort has been talked of for a considerable time. Thus, it can now be anticipated that some definite action will be taken at an early date. Mr. Blair is one of those men, who, seeing that the park is located here, believes that all possible should be done to make it attractive to visitors. His idea is that it could be made to prove an asset to Wainwright.

Jamieson Lake was the first sheet of water spoken of as providing the best for a resort but although situated in a portion of the country five miles from Wainwright that is resplendent in scenic grandeur, it has several drawbacks. While perhaps not so prettily situated, Horse Lake, with its fresh water and sandy beach, is closer to town and offers every opportunity for the erection of cottages and all that will add to and make an attractive resort. It will also provide the townspeople with every opportunity of spending a pleasent week-end at a cost that will be reasonably low.