The Wainwright Star WAINWRIGHT, ALBERTA   FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1908.

Buffalo Are Not Coming


Word Received That It Is Impossible to Complete Round-Up This Fall


Edward Ellis, superintendant of the Buffalo Park, received a wire from Howard Douglas who is at present in Ravalli, Montana, stating that the buffalo shipment had been postponed for the present.

There have been many rumors floating around to the effect that Pablo and his cowpunchers were having considerable difficulty in getting the buffalo into the corrals, but that no one expected that it would be impossible to gather them up.

A Montana paper received in town a few days ago in speaking of the round-up mentioned that sixty cowboys after over a month and a half of hard riding, had only succeeded in corraling 20 head out of the 250 or 300 animals in the herd. The same paper gleefully stated that the buffalo would never be rounded up for shipment to Canada.

The news of the postponement will be disappointing to the citizens and also to a number of visitors who have already arrived in anticipation of the arrival.